<< FLAC Anxo Lorenzo - 2009 - Tirán
Anxo Lorenzo - 2009 - Tirán
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Category Sound
Date 1 week, 1 day
Size 278.03 MB
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Post Description

Folk, gaitas, Galicia. 

Wellicht kennen jullie mijn voorliefde voor doedelzak en dan kom je ook soms in Galicia. Wat mij betreft niet soms, maar vrij vaak. En dan kom je daar juweeltjes tegen die al een poosje rondwaren. Bij deze.

Anxo Lorenzo presents his first solo album: “Tirán”. Inspired by a long musical journey getting to know a thousand places and tunes shared with musicians of all nationalities. A journey that always commences and concludes in Galicia.

In “Tirán”, Anxo Lorenzo takes the pipes and his own skills to their limit demonstrating that everything is possible in music. Produced by Pedro González and accompanied by his band, formed by Xosé Liz (bouzouki), Milla (percussion), Begoña Riobó (violin), Álvaro Iglesias (double bass), and the recent arrival of the Irish fiddle player, Eoghan Neff, the album has 11 tracks that are a mix between composition and tradition from the Galician Rías to the Seas of Ireland. A demonstration of virtuosity and sensibility in equal measure and enhanced by the participation of the famous Northumbrian piper Kathryn Tickell, the strings of Pancho Álvarez and Luis Peixoto, percussion by Roi Adrio, hurdy-gurdy by Anxo Pintos, accordion by Jorge Arribas and the Hindi style group Om/Off.

There is still much to say and discuss in Galician Folk music and now Anxo Lorenzo is having his say. “Tirán” is the genesis of a long musical career for an artist that surprises us with his modesty in light of his genial flair.

01 - Tirán
02 - Road to Errogie
03 - La Partida
04 - Suite Reels_ Humours of Tulla _ Alick C. Mac Gregor _ The Antrin Rose
05 - The Ivory Lady
06 - Areeiras (de Catoira) _ Pasa Corredoiras 439
07 - Aires Hindús de Pontevedra
08 - A Bruxa
09 - Spiritu
10 - Alma de Pedra
11 - The Very First Fish

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster. Laat af en toe eens weten wat je van het album vindt. Altijd leuk, de mening van anderen. Oh ja, MP3 doe ik niet aan.


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